Father Time Always Wins – Part 1

It’s comforting, knowing that some things never change.  

The big maple tree in your front yard; knowing that your mom will always cook you a homemade meal; your high school crush still isn’t into you; or that your favorite athlete is going to be playing on your favorite team on gameday.  I still have several comforts like that.  There’s the family barn, built in 1896.  There’s the worn out, stained sweatshirt I wear every Saturday.  I still visit my mother every other week (or so) for dinner, and it’s always better than anything I’ve ever cooked.

But there have also been changes that I never thought I would see happen.  The big maple tree in front of my grandmother’s old farmhouse is gone; cut down by my father and I a few years ago.  That same farmhouse with the flower wallpaper, yellow cabinets, the pantry that hid the oatmeal cream pies, and the pea-green refrigerator with string cheese in the freezer has been completely renovated since she passed away.  Now, I live there.  Brett Favre, the iron-man who’s youthful smile got me into football, retired a couple of times. I guess he decided sitting on his wrangler jean money was better than getting his brain knocked around for a few more years.

And now? The next familiar face to emulate the Titanic, both in size and form?

Zdeno Chara.

Continue reading “Father Time Always Wins – Part 1”

Bruins Play of the Year of the Week So Far: ED.2

Ahh, my old nemesis; the  dump and chase.  Doesn’t it seem like a give-up play? “Hey, other team, here’s the puck!”  Why would you ever willingly give up the puck? Wouldn’t it be easier to drop a pass back to a defensemen and start the breakout over again?  Now before you get all Goon on me and smash my face in, I get it – it’s good against a trapping defense or high defensemen if you have aggressive, turnover-causing forwards.  Perhaps my time spend watching Gregory Campbell repeatedly dump the puck in with a near zero percent retrieval rate has scarred me from ever enjoying a good dump and chase.

With that in mind, this week’s Bruins Play of the Year of the Week So Far ™ will either be “he got a lucky bounce” or “see? Just like they planned it”.

Spooner to Eriksson 2.gif

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Bruins Play of the Year of the Week So Far (TM)

As a handful of you might have already gathered, I enjoy breaking down game film.  I hope you can join me on this wonderful journey.

This week’s Bruins Play of the Year of the Week So Far (™) begins with Loui Eriksson.  The play, coming from the game on 12/26 at home against the Buffalo Sabres, starts around 5:43 into the second period, and resulted in the Bruins’ first goal of the period and game.  If you’re reading this and saying “I already know who scored here and the exact sequence”, you either have an intense, possibly photographic memory, or else you’re the NHL.com/stats page come to life.  Either way, please leave me alone, you’re frightening me.

Let the brilliance wash over you.

Continue reading “Bruins Play of the Year of the Week So Far (TM)”