It’s Still Brad Marchand’s Month

Earlier, we covered the first half(ish) of Marchand’s goals during his streak.  And no, not the kind of streak in your pants; Brad Marchand was on a goal scoring streak with 13 goals in 13 games.  While we finishing reliving his streak, try not to focus on the fact that he’ll be due for a pay raise after next season.  Also, put your feet up! Relax! Don’t take yourself too seriously.  The world is too tough as it is, so go ahead and enjoy yourself.

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It’s Brad Marchand’s Month

I went to college with a whole bunch of meatheads and guidos.  Jersey Shore was huuuuge – bigger than Ronnie huge – and it was considered cool to drive a bright yellow hummer, purchased with daddy’s wall street money, and to wear too-tight Ed Hardy shirts.  I despised every moment of this blowout trend.  But there was something charming about it, something endearing.  It was like watching a lost puppy running around peeing on and humping everything. Continue reading “It’s Brad Marchand’s Month”